We have found the one whom our souls love... Song of Solomon 3:4
We have found the one whom our souls love... Song of Solomon 3:4
After forty years of wandering in the desert, it was time to cross over the Jordan River and take the land that God had promised. The Jordan is a metaphor for spiritual rebirth and salvation. This is where John the Baptist was found often, baptizing the people in the Jordan.
John the Baptist was approached by Jesus at the Jordan River. Jesus wanted to be baptized by him. John balked at first, as he felt unworthy to baptize Jesus, for He was the One that John had been telling people about. John did not feel Jesus needed to be baptized. But Jesus persuaded him because Jesus was called to make the same commitment he will be calling others to make.
We too are worthy of Jesus' love and salvation. We have felt called to make some sort of symbolic gesture to recognize that we are both His.
Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan resulted in prayer, and the heavens opening and announcing the beginning of his ministry.
We have each been baptized at separate times recently and fully committed to this walk with Jesus. We sincerely feel that He prepared us for each other, and the morning of our wedding we will be baptized together in our home.
After our wedding and honeymoon,
We are changing our names legally to Jordan in honor of Jesus and the Jordan River, which we have sacredly created in our front yard landscape. Our new name also serves as a symbol of our Christian rebirth we both experienced before we came together and our walk with God together and separate.
We both had close relationships with the fathers that gave us our names. As they look upon us from the heavens, we feel that we have their blessing to take this holy name we have been called upon to christen as our own.
The future Mrs. & Mrs. Cyndy and Jessie Jordan